Chapter events shall be held at least five times per year. Events shall include, but not limited to, breakfast/lunch/dinner presentations with a guest speaker, the annual holiday celebration, and other chapter-sponsored networking events. Special chapter meetings may be held at any time at the discretion of the Board.
Chapter events are open to both chapter members and non-chapter members. Chapter members shall be granted free admission through the payment of their annual chapter membership fee. Non-chapter members will be required to pay an attendance fee that shall be determined by the Program Chair, Treasurer and Chapter President. Unless specifically granted by the program chair and treasurer, all guests of both members and non-members will be required to pay the said “attendance fee”. Furthermore, for all events that require monetary payment based on headcount, all attendees shall be held accountable for their attendance. For any attendee that provides an RSVP to the program chair for a Chapter event, a minimum of 72 hours’ notice must be provided to the Program Chair if they will not be present. If sufficient notice is not provided, the attendee shall be responsible for payment of the “attendance fee”. Payment will be collected by the chapter Treasurer.
Chapter officers and directors-at-large shall meet together at least two times per year for the purpose of planning chapter activities and conducting chapter business. The first meeting of officers and advisory board members should be held within 45 days following the beginning of the new chapter year to assure an orderly and efficient transition in chapter operations from one administration to the next.
Board meetings may be called upon by written or verbal notice by the President or a majority of the officers and directors of the chapter. A majority of the officers and directors holding office at the time of the meetings shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the act of the majority of the officers and Board of the chapter.